Lianke Qin

Lianke Qin

Bytedance Inc
firstname DOT lastname AT company DOT com

About Me

I am a research engineer at Bytedance AML. I am interested in building scalable, efficient and fault-tolerant heterogeneous computing systems with user-friendly interfaces to facilitate the pursuit of machine intelligence. I spent one year working on Snowflake Unistore project.

I graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a B.Eng. in Computer Software Engineering in 2019 summer. I was interested in the following topics when I was a Ph.D. student at UC Santa Barbara: 1) privacy-preserving algorithm design and system implementation with trusted hardware like SGX, differential privacy or modern cryptographic primitives, especially zero knowledge proofs. 2) build scalable heterogeneous systems to accelerate the generation of zero knowledge proof for extremely large circuits.



I love playing tennis and my favorite player is Rafael Nadal. I lead the project of 2rd edition SurviveSJTUManual with Jiaheng.
